Why “Vespin feebler”?

I have a love for this particular character of mine. Vespin Feebler was a Dungeons & Dragons character I created lifetimes ago in early college. (Specifically, he was a human cleric of the Light.) All the players were trying to come up with names for their new characters, and mine, “Vespin Feebler”, got quite a laugh. I therefore brought him into existence.

In time Vespin admittedly grew to be very annoying, as I love being wacky when roleplaying. Eventually the other players tired so much of Vespin that they unanimously decided to drag him into the Underdark (a massive cave system), force him to eat dirt there, and then sacrifice him on a nearby altar to the dark spider goddess Lolth.

Well, after that was done, the ol’ Feeb would still come up now and then over the years in conversation. Of course I never forgot him, and in time created a little backstory for him about how he was resurrected by the Light into immortality, and now wanders through the various planes of reality serving the One who raised him. (I also made him no longer annoying. Kinda.)

MeWe Profile

MeWe is an online social network like Facebook but far better in most ways. Firstly, it doesn’t sell or otherwise share your data with anyone. Secondly, there aren’t any ads. Thirdly, no one can view or search your public posts unless they have a MeWe account themselves.

MeWe makes money by having a store where you can buy things if you want to, such as premium service (which I don’t see myself ever needing).

“Robert Aronson” YouTube Channel

This channel is pretty much for whatever my “Vespin Feebler” channel isn’t. The main point was to have a second channel more suited to a general audience.

Contact Me

Aside from MeWe and YouTube, here are some additional ways I can be contacted:

Email: guymaleboyman@pm.me

Discord: vespinfeebler


This is the best photo I’ve ever taken. I captured it many years ago, sometime between 2009 and 2011. It’s at a pond very close to where I was living at the time. I used to walk back and forth on that little bridge, praying and singing to God.

It all looks very different now. Many of the trees before the bridge have been removed, a wooden fence was put up just across the bridge, and the land beyond has become a park. (At the time the photo was taken it was private property.)