About Me

Last Updated: February 9, 2024

Okay, a bit about myself, so you can have some idea of what you’re getting into on this website.

So here I am, an America Christian in his early 40’s who identifies above all with Jesus Christ and the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church (aka Eastern Orthodoxy). But no, I’m not Greek, Slavic, or Middle-Eastern. I only know English and bad English, and am mostly of French ancestry. I wasn’t raised Orthodox, that came only recently, much to the chagrin of virtually everyone in my very, very Protestant life.

You can read my Christian testimony.

My primary hobby is video games. I’ve adored them for most of my life, though in my 40’s I now find myself much less passionate about them. I’m now far outside the target audience for the overwhelming majority of games, and my life has gotten busier. But even so, I’m still on the scene! I usually go for massively-multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPGs), and creative sandbox experiences. And note, I dislike player-versus-player (PVP) gaming. I generally play games for their stories, characters, and sense of progress and exploration.

Another major hobby is tabletop roleplaying games (TRPGs). (By far the most popular and culturally conspicuous TRPG is Dungeons & Dragons. I do play that one, but only the first and second editions.) I’ve collected many different rules and settings over the years, and enjoy running them for people as a gamemaster (GM).

In much younger years, in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, I was heavily into Japanese animation, aka anime. But while I’ll still occasionally watch an anime these days, it’s pretty rare. The art style is still eye-catching to me, but so much of anime is sharply oversexualized and filled with the same old Japanese tropes and cliches. But perhaps my real problem is that some part of me associates anime with a very dark time in my life.

I’ve tried multiple times to get into comic books over the years, but it’s never stuck. I just like the medium very much, especially when it’s costume-wearing superheroes.

I should probably also mention that I was once a huge fan of Star Trek and Star Wars, but both franchises have been horribly gutted and are no longer what they once were. Alex Kurtzman, Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, and JJ Abrams saw to the execution of much of my childhood. Now Trek and Wars are just old and broken, even if some of the new content is admittedly enjoyable to me.

Lastly, there are quite a few scars on my heart from all the things I’ve been through. I was once a very broken person. But, inwardly speaking, I’m barely that man anymore. My life is a testimony to the glory of God in Jesus Christ, because I’m a walking miracle! But there’s still a long way to go. I struggle with anxiety, insomnia, a lower spine that shocks people to see in x-rays, and a work resume that’s not very pretty. But God is still doing his thing, always.

So that’s me in a nutshell. Thanks for reading! 🙂